Novi Bravo-Klima uredjaj, problem

Autor Nenad Dj, 04 Svibanj 2012, 18:42:41

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0 Članovi i 7 Gosti pregledava ovu temu.


ljudi moji meni ladno zamjenili mjesta na broj 3 stavili motoric broj 1
only FIAT


A daj napiši barem jednu prosto proširenu rečenicu.

Ako si mijenjao motoriće, sada su samo dva kataloška broja za četiri motorića.
Prije je bilo, čini mi se 3 različita broja.

Da li znaš koji broj je na kojem mjestu (kataloški broj)?


izvinjavam iznerviran ovaj motoric broj 1 stavili su mi ovaj 77367180(a on ide na mjesto broj 3 koliko ja znam)
only FIAT


i na njemu pise 150%
a treba 120%
only FIAT


Trebao bih pogledati na svom.

Ne znam kaj si sve točno radio, ali po novom, motorić koji je na suvozačevoj strani treba biti jednak onome na poziciji jedan na slici sa prethodne strane, dok su 2 i 3 identični.


jeste sve sto ti kazes je tacno  a oni su meni 2il 3 sve jedno
  stavili na 1.
only FIAT


Da li si mijenjao motoriće ili samo plastike pa si vratio postojeće motoriće?


i motorice i plastike.a ovaj sto ide na mjesto broj 1 stavili na mjesto broj 3.oni su valjda svi isti al ovi jedni imaju oznaku 150stepeni a jedni 120stepeni (okretanja je to valjda)
only FIAT


Samo mi čudan kataloški broj, ali ajde . . .

Budem ti pogledao kod sebe gdje su ovi 120°, a gdje ovi 150°.


evo kataloski sa fabrickog46723703 a sad je po novom 77367180 i to je mjesto broj 3 aj vidi molim te
only FIAT


A po ePer-u v84, koji je iz 6. mjeseca 2014, novi kataloški broj je 46723329. Iako mislim da je i ovaj tvoj OK.

Ne znam da li je izašao novi ePer, ali čini mi se da i on umire kao i cijeli brand Fiat.


e ne znam.aj vidi ima li da pise negdje ovo 120 stepeni il 150.npr za motoric broj 3 po onoj slici
only FIAT


i zna li ko da li se resetuje klima nakon zemjene motorica i kako to ide.jel vidio neko.
only FIAT


Znat ću jer sam ih uslikao prije

Inicijalizacija se radi da priliko paljenja auta, u prvih 30-ak sekundi držiš pritisnuta oba gumba "Auto" + "Mono"

Self-learning procedure

After the control unit or one of the actuators (excluding the recirculation one) has been replaced, it is necessary to proceed as follows.


Some of the CAN nodes, including the climate control system control unit, are programmed with default settings that the customer will find when they purchase the vehicle. If the control unit is being replaced, the Parts Dept. will send a "virgin" component: once fitted the data memorized in the Body Computer must be transferred to it.

- Connect the Examiner.

- Select "Active Diagnosis".

- Launch the "Autotest" procedure.

- Select the "Flap Actuator Learning" test.


The self-learning procedure must be carried out using the Examiner selecting the "Flap Actuator Learning" test (automatic procedure) or following the instructions given below (manual procedure).

1. Carry out the key on and within 40 seconds press the AUTO and MONO buttons simultaneously and keep them pressed.

2. After a few seconds a figure will appear in the left temperature display and decrease (from 05 to 00) (count down) indicating the remaining time before the start of the procedure (keep the AUTO and MONO BUTTONS PRESSED).

3. When the left temperature reaches the value (00), releasing the auto and mono buttons will initiate the procedure lasting about 40 seconds.

4. Entering into local fault diagnosis, at the end of the procedure, the right temperature may display the following values:

SELF-LEARNING taken place with OK outcome

01 and flashing
SELF-LEARNING taken place with NOK outcome

SELF-LEARNING in progress

03 and flashing
SELF-LEARNING not completed

The self-learning procedure does not take place if the AUTO and MONO buttons are released before the left temperature reaches zero.

The control unit makes the left temperature flash if the self-learning has not been carried out or if the result is not positive.


When in progress, the self-learning procedure may be:

1. Aborted: when the user deactivates the key on signal.

In this case the system exits the procedure in a controlled manner without changing the state of the self-learning information memorized previously in the EEPROM and memorizes the data relating to the "self-learning not carried out" state.

2. Interrupted: when the +Battery starts to fail

If this takes place whilst the data is being stored in the EEPROM, the system does not manage to guarantee this information and the data relating to the "self-learning not carried out" state is memorized.


If the procedure cannot be completed properly due to a problem with one or more of the actuators, the system exits the procedure without modifying the data memorized previously in the EEPROM and memorizes the information relating to the "self-learning not carried out" state.


e ovaj motoric ide na mjesto broj 2 il3 po onoj slici.jel tako.pise p150
only FIAT